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Tips On How To Train Your Dog Correctly

Tips On How To Train Your Dog Correctly

Training your dog is not as difficult as you may think. It is easy to build a solid, firm foundation of mutual respect and love with your canine companion. Establish trust with your dog and he or she is sure to value your standing as the pack leader that you are.

When training your dog, be sure to enforce every command you give. This helps your dog understand that they must listen to you when you give a command. If your dog learns to think that he can can ignore you when you give a command, it can be very difficult to correct this.

The key to potty training a new puppy is consistency. Remember that when he is with his mother, he can relieve himself whenever he needs to, so it will take some time for him to learn that he must wait for someone to take him outside to go to the bathroom.

If you approach a dog you do not know, do so slowly. Let the dog sniff the back or top of your extended hand. This allows the dog to get used to your scent and makes him much more likely to trust you. The dog will no longer be afraid after he is able to recongnize the scent and may begin to follow commands.

Use the same hand signal or voice command to get your dog’s attention. Use his or her name when giving a command. Then, say the command. Dogs quickly recognize their name which allows you to get their attention.

Toilet training is as much your responsibility as theirs. Watch your dog and recognize the signs that he is ready for a trip outdoors. Pacing and whining are common signs. Don’t delay if you see your dog needs to go out. Get his leash and take him out to his designated toilet spot! Whenever he relieves himself in an appropriate time and place, he should be praised immediately. With some time, your dog will be able to tell you when he needs to go outside.

Participating in a group class can be a very effective way to train your dog. Group classes are almost always less expensive than individual training sessions. They also offer your dog the opportunity to socialize with other pets. Look for a smaller group though, so that you still have plenty of one on one interaction with the trainer.

Be consistent when you’re training your dog. Your dog doesn’t understand what your praises mean. Pick one form of praise to use such as: “Good Girl” or “Well Done” and use the same phrase every single time. This will teach your dog that you are praising him or her, and when your dog hears the chosen phrase, he or she will understand it is a compliment.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to stop your dog during the behavior you want to change. This is important to ensure that your dog knows when to stop a certain action and what to replace it with. An example would be to never allow it to jump on anyone, and always discipline and correct the dog mid-action.

A good dog training tip is to do thorough research on the breed of dog that you own. Not all dogs are the same. Each breed has their own unique traits and it’s important that you are aware of your dog’s needs. Some dogs, for instance, can’t tolerate hot environments.

When you take the time to build a valuable relationship with your dog, you are investing in a task that will reward you for years to come. Enjoy the great feeling of love and admiration that emanates from your pup and experience the type of dog that everyone wants to have.

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