Dogs are wonderful pets for people of any age. Kids love dogs for their playfulness and energy. Adults love them for their loyalty and friendliness. Even the elderly love dogs for their companionship and protection. Dogs are even better pets when they are properly trained. The information in this article will help you properly train your dog.
It is of utmost importance that you reward your dog consistently and correctly while training. Unless you offer treats appropriately and frequently, it’s almost impossible to keep him motivated and interested. Dogs will not understand why you are rewarding them if you wait too long to do it.
Always use the same words when giving commands to your dog. Using different phrasing for basic commands can confuse your dog. Saying “Come” today and saying “Come here” the next, in the dog’s mind, is like teaching two different commands, however, the behavior is expected to be the same. Keep it simple and keep it consistent.
Crate training is something that is accomplished over time. First, you should only expect your dog to stay in the crate for short periods of time. As your dog grows older you can gradually extend this confinement, which can eventually stretch out to much longer periods of time without any ill effect on your pet.
Use the time that you spend with your dog on a walk as an opportunity to reinforce your training program. Not only is this a perfect time to establish a better relationship with your pet, but it also allows you to work on different exercises together. A walk with your dog can be both enjoyable and an opportunity to learn.
Throwing out your dog’s food bowl can assist you with your training program. Studies have shown that animals respond well to working for their meals. Incorporate food as a reward in your training and also, use it for entertainment purposes. You can do this by putting the food in a toy or a puzzle.
Reinforce desirable behavior from your dog. Don’t just rely on treats though. You can reinforce these behaviors through positive attention as well. Petting your dog and talking to him in cheerful tones can be a good incentive too. So can a new squeaky toy or a trip to the park.
Not all dogs are comfortable around other dogs or people. The best way to train your dog to be more comfortable around other animals or people is to expose them to as many people and other dogs as often as possible, preferably earlier in their life. This will make them accustomed to being around others.
Encourage your dog’s cooperation in training by rewarding good behavior. Dogs respond to a calm, confident leader who earns respect. When your dog responds to commands make sure you reward him with play or food, and make sure you reward easy commands as well as harder ones to build his confidence.
To teach your dog to go outside, you should keep a very close supervision on it for a few weeks. Every couple of hours, take your dog outside to the area that you would like to see it use. Wait until your dog is done, and reward it. If your dog does not go, take it back inside the house and try again later.
In conclusion, dogs are wonderful pets for many ages. Kids, adults, and the elderly all love dogs for their playfulness, loyalty, companionship, and protection- especially when the dogs are properly trained. With the information provided in this article, your dog can be properly trained and be a welcomed family member for many years.